ASH | Stephanie Adams, Laura Morgan, Erika Stubbs, Mark Tann, Russ Touchberry |
CCC | Kate Adams, Jason Gregorie, Halle Kern, Carey Newlin, Evan Smith, Nan Williams |
CF | Kim Kay, Jana Noble, Greg Stevenson |
DI | Kate Altum, Tracy DeWitt, Mark Hafner, Kevin Lewis |
FJ | Jesse Buntin, Megan Cliff, Doug Dickson, Mary Dickson, Jared Riley |
HYC | Leigh deHoll, David Hawkins, Christine Toporek |
JIST | Michael Borst, Jenny Dorsey, Kim Hlavin, Christy Jickling, Lea Lempesis, Josh Stroble, Jill Wright |
LP | Patrick Klingeman, Tina Russell, Zhiwei Ye |
NBT | Victor Boudolf, Andrew Jakymiw, Annie Klingshirn |
NC | Matt Leighty, Monica Schrader, Chris Swetckie, Jesse Wilson |
NST | Brandon Bland, Natalie Fennell, Jim Hamilton, Gregory Routhier, Sonya Routhier |
PKS | Kristin Cook, Kelly Lewis, Blake Marvin, Daisy McClellan, Betsy Sidebottom |
SF | Mary Beth Bennett, Kim Breland, Stevie Breland, Shannon Frece |
SM | Paul Doughty, Zack Hanna, Matthew Kornegay |
SML | Mark Clair, Amanda Hart, Janel Russell |
SVY | Dave Drost, Chris Garver, Nicole Leonard, Christy Roling, Luke Wessler |
WCW | Tammy Casa, Thomas Gardner, Steve Hutton, David Parler, Brandt Sword |
Updated Wednesday, June 19
Officials’ training will be conducted over Zoom on four dates in April and May. See below for requirements for attendance and testing. Tests will be posted in late April or early May. Each of these four sessions will cover stroke and turn rules (7:00 – 8:30 pm) and CCAA rules (8:30 – 9:00 pm). Please note that the April 25 session will begin at 7:30 instead of 7:00.
Tuesday, April 23
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 930 9210 2736
Passcode: clinic
Thursday, April 25
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 935 6050 0751
Passcode: clinic
Tuesday, April 30
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 987 7921 7502
Passcode: clinic
Tuesday, May 7
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 986 0962 1097
Passcode: clinic
The poolside training session for starters is scheduled for 10:00 am on Saturday, May 11, at Northbridge Terrace pool.
General Info
A team may not host a dual meet until two officials from that team have passed the test(s).
- New officials must attend both types of classes (stroke/turn and CCAA rules).
- Officials with one or two years’ experience in the CCAA must attend both types of classes.
- Officials with three or more years’ experience in the CCAA are welcome to attend classes but are not required.
- Each team must have two officials pass the applicable tests. A team may not host a dual meet until two officials have passed the applicable tests.
- The tests will be posted in late April or early May 2024.
- Officials who are new to CCAA but are USA Swimming or YMCA certified must attend CCAA rules class and take CCAA rules test. They must submit a copy of their USA Swimming or YMCA certification.
- Officials who are experienced in CCAA and are USA Swimming or YMCA certified must take CCAA rules test but are not required to attend classes. They must submit a copy of their USA Swimming or YMCA certification.
- All non-USA Swimming officials, regardless of experience, must take the CCAA rules test and the stroke and turn test.